Cyber Monday - Young Living Must Haves

More Young Living goodies on sale for Cyber Monday 2023!

First, FREE SHIPPING on Shop orders of at least 100PV - November 27th ONLY!

Next, two luxurious diffusers on sale for 50% off. Wow!
  1. The Aria is a water-based ultrasonic diffuser. It's sleek and beautiful - with light and music functions.
  2. The Duet is an essential oil only diffuser - it creates a mist of micro droplets. It can diffuse TWO bottles at once, to create a unique blend in the air or to increase concentration in the air..
--> Keep scrolling for videos showcasing each of these diffusers.

Get Cozy Chai diffuser blend (usually sold in a kit). This yummy blend has cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, ginger, and vanilla!

AND - the limited time Holiday Magic Starter Bundle
Starter Bundles are great ways to save money -- and they're not just for new members. Any member can order a Starter Bundle on a Shop order!
--> Need to reactivate your account? This is a great way + get your home cozy for the holidays!

Got questions? Text my YL text line at 979-314-0210!
Blessings! Amy

Diffuser Details:
Video not available? Here's the link, "Introducing the Aria Ultrasonic Diffuser."

Videos not available? Here are the links: "Introducing the Duet Diffuser" and "Get to Know the Duet Diffuser."

Good Days

Good Days
Let's have good days this year! One easy to way to start is by applying essential oils each morning. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living had a particular protocol that he shared... and it's a good one!

Valor is a beautiful blend for a feeling of grounding. I like to do the Valor hold -- on either my wrists or my feet.

Harmony has a rich, uplifting, floral aroma. I find it brings about a feeling of well-being and... harmony. I like to apply it on the back of my neck and my sacrum and low back. Another option is to apply in the belly button. Or, just apply on typical perfume points.

3) Joy
Joy has a bright, vibrant, floral aroma. It encourages feelings of happiness. If I'm grumpy, sometimes I put it on the bottom of my feet (it still works, but I'm not smelling it. LOL!) Otherwise, I rub a drop or two over my heart, on the left side of my chest.

White Angelica was designed to provide feelings of protectedness. I like to wear it when I'm around a crowd of people ore feeling bombarded by a situation. My mom told me she wears it when she goes to Wal-Mart.... I apply a drop of 2 to the tops of my shoulders and the top of my head.

I apply each oil, then cup my hands over my nose and mouth and inhale each aroma. It's a great way to have a positive intervention in my day... just takes a few minutes and makes a big difference!

Join us for the Wellness Renewal and focus on the 4 Essentials for Life!

Intervene, Breathe, and Believe

Intervene, Breathe, and Believe
Deep breathing is a simple way to manage stress. (You always have it with you...) Add Young Living essential oils and take level-up your intervention!

The olfactory nerve connects directly to the center of the brain, specifically the limbic system which is the center for primal emotion. Essential oil molecules can penetrate along the nerve pathway and intervene in the stress response.

Deep breathing itself helps de-activate the sympathetic nervous system (fight of flight response) and helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest response). Also, the physical act of deep breathing with diaphragm massages the adrenal glands.

One of my favorite Young Living essential oil blends to use is Believe. It is a blend of evergreen or conifer essential oils, ylang ylang, plus citrus. (It's lovely and grounding.)

What's your favorite Young Living essential oil or blend to intervene in your day?

Focus on the 4-Essentials for Life with our Wellness Renewal.
--> First is AIR - Respiratory System (BTW, Believe would be a great complement to this program!)

Wellness Renewal: AIR

Wellness Renewal: AIR
Focus on the essentials
the 4 Essentials for Life: Food, Water, Air, and Love. 

Dr. Peter Minke shares that if something is essential for life, then it is powerful for healing. We tend to spend a lot of time on food. However, we can live weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air. As powerful as food is for our healing, water is more powerful, and air is even more powerful. (And the greatest of these is love....)

To start our Wellness Renewal, we start with AIR... and add LOVE along the way.

Dr. Minke has provided videos to help you get in touch with your Respiratory System: 
1) learn the anatomy and how it functions, 
2) utilize breath to become more self-aware, 
3) find out how specific nutrients and supplements support the basic functions, and 
4) be trained in do-able massage and movement techniques to facilitate optimal function and increase comfort levels.

These videos are FREE. You can sign up to receive weekly emails with links.

These are greatly enhanced by adding in Young Living essential oils and supplements. You can choose what fits your needs, as well as time and money budget.

Action Steps for the month:
  1. Stop the Poison - Get rid of artificial fragrance in your living space (FREE)! Replace with natural, premium essential oils from Young Living. Get your diffuser out!
  2. Diffuse daily with Young Living essential oils and blends; try oils that are typically known for helping breathe easy.
  3. Focus on your breath for at least one short period of the day. Increasing your breath volume and oxygenation by even a little bit can have profound benefits! (FREE)
  4. Massage your ribcage to optimize your breath volume. This takes about 5-10 minutes and can be done daily or weekly. (FREE or add a massage oil)
  5. Take supplements to support and get in touch with your respiratory system.
  6. Apply Young Living essential oils topically to your chest and back to feel your Respiratory System.
  7. Build self-awareness skills, especially targeting your Respiratory System. (FREE)
  8. Speak powerful positive affirmations about your breath and body! (FREE)

If you don't yet have a diffuser and Young Living essential oils, that's the place to start. Replace your artificial fragrance (candles, sprays, plug-ins, etc.).
You can use the essential oils and blends in the Premium Starter Kit for other parts of the Wellness Renewal -- making a massage oil, rubbing on topically to feel your Respiratory System, and even supplements to support the Respiratory System.

If you already have your diffuser and some oils to play with, you can choose to branch out and try some new oils.
If your budget allows, I would get Sulfurzyme, as well. Focusing on breathing and breath volume can get things moving in the body... Sulfurzyme provides basic nutrition to support the cleansing process. (Here's a video to explain.)

The Minimum plus I would highly recommend investing in the "Calm it Down Trio" of Sulfurzyme, Super C, Allerzyme. I find this trio helpful to manage cleansing reactions.

Oils and supplements to support your process of getting in touch with your Respiratory System!
  1. Choose a couple of essential oils or blends to apply topically and diffuse (RC, Myrtle, Breathe Again, etc.).
  2. Massage Oil to relax the ribcage and muscles around the Respiratory System (OrthoSport or OrthoEase)
  3. Release essential oil blend to manage emotional issues that may come up when focusing on breath.
  4. Supplements to support the Respiratory System:
  • Laurus Nobilis Vitality essential oil
  • Sulfurzyme
  • Allerzyme
  • Super C
  • NingXia Red
Here's a video explanation of what to order and why by Dr. Peter Minke.

Be sure to sign up for weekly updates and action items.

Supporting Healthy Liver and Gallbladder Function

Supporting Healthy Liver and Gallbladder Function
Supporting healthy liver and gallbladder function is so important for your wellness journey! Here's what we use in three categories: immediate, short-term, and long-term!

Comfort in the Moment

This is what works for us!
1) Epsom Salts
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salts in some water. (It tastes vile, in my opinion, so I just put it in about a quarter cup of water and chug it. Then, chase it with something that tastes good -- even plain water works.) The theory behind this is that it supposedly relaxes the bile ducts.

The is essential oil blend comes in a Vitality label. So we sometimes take it as a supplement and put a 3-5 drops in a capsule. It also comes in a topical label -- and I use it with massage over my liver area.

Take the Pressure Off

These are supplements we use for immediate support. We do use them long term, but we find them helpful in the short-term.

The liver and gallbladder help digest and process the food we've taken in. Adding digestive enzymes as part of our food helps the digestive process along -- and lightens the load on the liver. Essentialzymes-4 has a spectrum of digestive enzymes that address all 4 major food groups (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fiber). We take it with our biggest meal.

The liver utilizes nutritional sulfur to help bind toxins to cleanse them from the body. Supplementing nutritional sulfur can give the body resources to be more efficient with this process. I take 4 capsules of Sulfurzyme before bed.

Long Term Strategy

1) Stop the Poison
Implementing Dr. Minke's full 3-Part Wellness Strategy is key. Most of the ideas listed above are in the "Flood the Body with Nutrients" category. "Stop the Poison" helps other parts be more effective and lightens the load on the body. Clean up your diet; eliminate trans fats, chemical additives, refined & artificial sugars, and refined grains. If you're new to that process, we encourage that process over a year's time in the YL Wellness Program.

2) Liver and Gallbladder Flush
Over the years, we have done many of the liver and gallbladder flushes (utilizing olive oil & lemon juice) and experienced a great deal of benefit. Dr. Minke has a booklet that lays out the process, as well as the preparations we've found to be helpful before the cleanse. Just contact us for more info.

Month 3 of our year-long YL Wellness Program focuses on the digestive system with special emphasis on the liver. You can watch the videos and learn more about your liver and gallbladder and how to support them!

When ordering from Young Living Essential Oils, you get 24% discount when you order 100pv (basically $100)!

Need some suggestions of what to add to get to 100pv?
Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream is so effective at soothing skin -- diaper irritated, bug bites, and more!
Seedlings Baby Oil -- soothing for skin, as well as for baby (and parents)! I love this for gentle massage!

Note: Another way to get the 24% discount is to add any item to Subscribe to Save.

You will need a referral number. Ours is Amy Minke #118924! If you click on any of the product links, the number should be automatically entered for you. But, just in case, make sure you connect your account with my referral number -- so we can keep in contact!
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