OK, it's Black Friday but early! As in RIGHT NOW! Save 25-50% on LOTS of Young Living's favorite products! Shop until Saturday, November 18 at 11:59pm, MT!

Scroll down to see the whole list by percent saved, but here are some Wish Lists of my favorites by category!

Holiday Goodies - make your home (and person) smell like the holidays, naturally!
Minke Must Haves - Seriously! Just about all of the Young Living products we literally panic if we don't have are ON SALE! These are the ones we don't leave home without, aka The Diaper Bag oils. 
More Comfortable -- As massage therapists, these are some of our favorites to keep in the office or use for self care to decrease discomfort in muscles and joints.
For the Guys -- I don't know about you, but I find it challenging to shop for the guys on my gift list... here are some great ideas, ON SALE!
Thieves - SO MANY Thieves products ON SALE!
Winter Wellness -- Wellness tools that you need, now -- oils, supplements, and perimeter defense!
Stocking Stuffers -- These are budget friendly for all those small gifts you need throughout the holidays (teachers, hostesses, stockings, etc.). Some of the items are "sets" that you can break into individual gifts.

5 Day Cleanse -- You know you're going to need to cleanse during or after the holiday season, aka the sugar season. Stock up now on sale! (I've got my 5-day Nutritive Cleanse scheduled for between Thanksgiving and Christmas!)
Here's our leader, Judy De La Rosa sharing about the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse:

You can share with your friends and family -- and get referral credit!
Open any of the Wish Lists above in your Young Living account, then click, "Share." It will create a link with your referral number already in it!

Here are all the details:


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