Feasting? You Need These

Feasting? You Need These
'Tis the season for feasting! With holiday get togethers abounding, it can be challenging to keep our digestive systems happy!

Two Strategies for Feeling Great After Dinner (even if we ate too much...)
While we endeavor to make good food choices and eat reasonable portions, holiday gatherings can make that challenging on many levels. Often, we don't have control of what food is available. And, even when we do, the menu is often different than our normal, everyday fare.

To keep the tummy settled, we have found these to be helpful!
1) Essentialzymes-4
These digestive enzymes have a broad spectrum to address the four types of food: protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat. On typical days, we take them with our biggest meal. On feasting days, I take them before AND after the big feast -- and again if the food isn't digesting efficiently after an hour, or so.

2) DiGize Essential Oil Blend
We like to rub this essential oil blend on our tummies after a big meal, especially if the food isn't sitting quite right...
It's a great way to enhance massage for the abdomen. This video highlights abdominal massage using JuvaFlex (over the liver area) and DiGize (over the stomach area).

Massage enhanced with oils can help all along the digestive system!

DiGize also comes as a Vitality oil, meaning as a dietary supplement. It can be added to water (just a drop will do) to soothe the digestive system. We like to make a capsule with 3-4 drops and take with a meal.

Got Kids?
1) MightyZymes
There are digestive enzymes designed especially for kids - they're CHEWABLE. These MightyZymes changed our lives and helped our kids be able to manage eating out of the house at restaurants and other people's homes. We still have to be diligent in our food selections, but the enzymes helped smooth out any unforseen dietary issues!
2) TummyGize essential oil blend
This blend is part of the KidScents line -- designed especially for kids! The name says it all. TummyGize is already diluted, so we can feel confident to use with kids, even on the go!

Enjoy your feasting through the holiday season! Make good choices - and use these awesome tools to keep things moving smoothly!

Check out these yummy holiday recipes that include Vitality Essential Oils -- add some zing to your recipes!