Intervene, Breathe, and Believe

Intervene, Breathe, and Believe
Deep breathing is a simple way to manage stress. (You always have it with you...) Add Young Living essential oils and take level-up your intervention!

The olfactory nerve connects directly to the center of the brain, specifically the limbic system which is the center for primal emotion. Essential oil molecules can penetrate along the nerve pathway and intervene in the stress response.

Deep breathing itself helps de-activate the sympathetic nervous system (fight of flight response) and helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest response). Also, the physical act of deep breathing with diaphragm massages the adrenal glands.

One of my favorite Young Living essential oil blends to use is Believe. It is a blend of evergreen or conifer essential oils, ylang ylang, plus citrus. (It's lovely and grounding.)

What's your favorite Young Living essential oil or blend to intervene in your day?

Focus on the 4-Essentials for Life with our Wellness Renewal.
--> First is AIR - Respiratory System (BTW, Believe would be a great complement to this program!)

Valentine's Day with Essential Oils

Valentine's Day with Essential Oils
Lots of LOVE! 💝

Ready for some DIY Valentine Crafts?

Note: I like to glaze mine using a simple icing made with organic powdered sugar, milk of choice + a little vegetable oil. Then add in a few drops of citrus Vitality essential oils (and natural food coloring, if desired).

Note: Still aspiring to own Rose essential oil? Some great substitutes: Sensation, Ylang Ylang, Geranium Bourbon, Sacred Mountain, Joy

Diffuser Blends ❤️

His & Hers Oils
Top Picks: His = Idaho Blue Spruce; Hers = Ylang Ylang

Recorded Webinars:

DIY Thieves Wipes

DIY Thieves Wipes
It's so important to keep our environment clean - whether we're at home or out and about. Most cleaning wipes on the market are soaking in harsh chemicals -- that can actually weaken the immune system! Yuck!

We can do better. We can have the cleaning power safely -- Fresh and Clean, without the harsh chemicals!

Here are 3 different versions of DIY Thieves Cleaning Wipes!
1) Coffee Filters
2) Paper Towels (modified roll)
3) Folded Paper Towels - for on the go

Coffee Filters
  • Coffee filters
  • Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Water
  • Leftover container with lid (round, about the size of the stack of coffee filters)
Directions: Put a couple of capsful of Thieves Household Cleaner in the bottom of the leftover container. Add water to about 1/3 full -- gently mix. Using about 1/3 of a package of coffee filters, fan them out by running your thumb across the top edge in several places around the stack -- so they'll be easier to separate. Put the stack of coffee filters in the container and let them soak up the cleaner mixture. Add more coffee filters until the liquid is soaked up. Store with the lid on!

Paper Towels
  • Paper towel roll
  • Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Water
  • Empty, cylindrical coffee container (or similar container - perhaps a large yogurt container)
Directions: For the paper towels, cut the paper towel roll to fit the height of the coffee container. Pull the center cardboard tube out of the paper towel roll. Slightly squish the roll and find out how much will fit in the coffee container. Remove the out ring of paper towels (watch the demo video). Keep the outer ring to use for the Travel Wipes (see below).

Put a couple of capsful of Thieves Household Cleaner in the bottom of the coffee container. Add water to about 1/3 full -- gently mix. Squeeze your prepared paper towel roll into the coffee container, and allow it to soak up the liquid. Meanwhile, cut a criss-cross pattern in the center of the plastic lid. Pull the end of the center paper towel up through the criss-cross of the lid, and put the lid on!

Paper Towels - Travel Version
  • Outer ring of paper towel roll (leftover from the version above) -- or just separate paper towels, fold them in half and stack
  • Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Water
  • Quart sized plastic zipper baggie
Directions: Prepare the paper towels. Put a scant capful of Thieves Household Cleaner in the bottom of the quart-size baggie. Add about a 1/2 cup of water, and mix gently. Put the paper towels in the baggie, and allow the liquid to soak into the towels. Add water as needed to wet all of the paper towels. Zip up the baggie, and you're ready to go!

Ready to get your Thieves Household Cleaner?
Be sure you have the referral number from the Freedom Oilers members who shared this with you!
Amy & Peter Minke: #118924

DIY Thieves Spray

DIY Thieves Spray
We definitely desire to keep things clean during this COVID-19 pandemic -- whether we're at home or out doing essential business. Thieves Spray is our usual tool for quick, extra cleaning boost on surfaces, but it is in and out of stock since demand is so high!

Since we need it now, here's a quick, easy recipe using ingredients you can find at local stores plus your stash of Young Living essential oils!

And, BONUS, there's a demo for a Thieves Throat Spray -- because we need the protection that nature's essential oils provide in our mouth, throat, and airway!!

Ingredients (see notes below the list)
  • Grain Alcohol or Neutral Spirit (ie, Everclear or Nikolai)
  • Water
  • Thieves essential oil blend (or other Young Living essential oils)
  • Spritzer Bottle
Grain Alcohol - most hand purifier recipes recommend rubbing alcohol. This can be harsh on the body. We prefer to use food grade alcohol. To get the recommended 60% alcohol into your recipe, the grain alcohol has enough alcohol content.

Essential Oils -- if you're running low on Thieves, feel free to substitute from your Young Living stash. (But, stay away from the essential oils at the grocery store -- you're likely to add synthetic compounds to your recipe and your body!!) Some of my favorites to substitute are Purification and Christmas Spirit essential oil blends.

BONUS - Thieves Throat Spray
We need to keep our mouth and airway clean, too! Here's a simple spray "recipe" you can take with you on the go -- or use it at home. Get the extra benefit of fresh breath, too!

Ingredients (see notes below the list)
Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash combines the power of Thieves essential oil blend with peppermint essential oil for a blast of freshness! It's powerful! It has the added benefit of colloidal silver.

Ready to get your Thieves essential oil blend?
Be sure you have the referral number from the Freedom Oilers members who shared this with you!
Amy & Peter Minke: #118924

DIY Hand Purifier

DIY Hand Purifier
Here's a recipe you can make with items from the grocery store and your Young Living Essential Oils stash!

There are some differences in this recipe from others online. 1) We use food grade alcohol rather than rubbing alcohol. When Peter worked in a science lab (studying fungus), they had to clean surfaces... they used ethanol (or food grade alcohol). 2) We did 2 demos using aloe vera JUICE and aloe vera GEL. You can see the difference for yourself in the video. And, we always make sure to use food grade aloe! (Read your labels when buying it -- some aloe products have chemical additives.)

Ingredients (see notes below the list)
  • 2/3 cup Grain Alcohol or Neutral Spirit (ie, Everclear or Nikolai)
  • 1/3 cup Aloe Vera Juice (or gel)
  • 1 teaspoon Jojoba oil
  • 20 drops Thieves essential oil blend
  • 20 drops Peppermint essential oil
Grain Alcohol - most hand purifier recipes recommend rubbing alcohol. This can be harsh on the body. We prefer to use food grade alcohol. To get the recommended 60% alcohol into your hand purifier recipe, the grain alcohol has enough alcohol content.

Aloe Vera Juice - We always make sure to buy the food grade aloe juice or gel, because it has minimal additives (sometimes a food grade preservative). This is usually found in the juice section of the grocery store or natural foods store. If you end up looking in the pharmacy section, read the ingredients very carefully -- and avoid any product with added fragrance or chemicals.

Jojoba oil - This is a non-greasy carrier (or diluting) oil. It will help moisturize your hands without leaving you feeling greasy. In a pinch, I substitute fractionated coconut oil.

Essential Oils -- if you're running low on Thieves and Peppermint, feel free to substitute from your Young Living stash. (But, stay away from the essential oils at the grocery store -- you're likely to add synthetic compounds to your recipe and your body!!) Some of my favorites to substitute are Purification and Christmas Spirit essential oil blends.

Ready to get your Thieves essential oil?
Be sure you have the referral number from the Freedom Oilers members who shared this with you!
Amy & Peter Minke: #118924
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