Good Days
Let's have good days this year! One easy to way to start is by applying essential oils each morning. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living had a particular protocol that he shared... and it's a good one!

Valor is a beautiful blend for a feeling of grounding. I like to do the Valor hold -- on either my wrists or my feet.

Harmony has a rich, uplifting, floral aroma. I find it brings about a feeling of well-being and... harmony. I like to apply it on the back of my neck and my sacrum and low back. Another option is to apply in the belly button. Or, just apply on typical perfume points.

3) Joy
Joy has a bright, vibrant, floral aroma. It encourages feelings of happiness. If I'm grumpy, sometimes I put it on the bottom of my feet (it still works, but I'm not smelling it. LOL!) Otherwise, I rub a drop or two over my heart, on the left side of my chest.

White Angelica was designed to provide feelings of protectedness. I like to wear it when I'm around a crowd of people ore feeling bombarded by a situation. My mom told me she wears it when she goes to Wal-Mart.... I apply a drop of 2 to the tops of my shoulders and the top of my head.

I apply each oil, then cup my hands over my nose and mouth and inhale each aroma. It's a great way to have a positive intervention in my day... just takes a few minutes and makes a big difference!

Join us for the Wellness Renewal and focus on the 4 Essentials for Life!


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