3 Months to Support the Essentials -- Food, Water, Air, and Love!

Focus on your breath & get in touch with your Respiratory System. Learn about supplements that support healthy function and make lifestyle changes to breathe easier!

WATER - Fluid System

The Fluid System includes the blood and the lymph. Get to know your Fluid System and how your daily actions affect it. Support and gently cleanse with supplements.

FOOD - Digestive System

Bring your awareness to your Digestive System, including the liver & pancreas. Feel how supplements refresh & soothe the system. Dig into your daily choices to support digestion!

The Wellness Renewal is a FREE training program provided by Amy & Peter Minke, with Freedom Oilers and Minke Wellness. To participate, just sign up to receive the weekly newsletter by email or text. The monthly programs can be done without any additional tools or products, but they are designed to utilise Young Living essential oils and supplements. Check out each month's page for a variety of time and money budget options.
FREE Training and Community Support

Sign up for weekly newsletters for how-tos and action items!

© Amy Minke, Freedom Oilers