Intervene, Breathe, and Believe

Intervene, Breathe, and Believe
Deep breathing is a simple way to manage stress. (You always have it with you...) Add Young Living essential oils and take level-up your intervention!

The olfactory nerve connects directly to the center of the brain, specifically the limbic system which is the center for primal emotion. Essential oil molecules can penetrate along the nerve pathway and intervene in the stress response.

Deep breathing itself helps de-activate the sympathetic nervous system (fight of flight response) and helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest response). Also, the physical act of deep breathing with diaphragm massages the adrenal glands.

One of my favorite Young Living essential oil blends to use is Believe. It is a blend of evergreen or conifer essential oils, ylang ylang, plus citrus. (It's lovely and grounding.)

What's your favorite Young Living essential oil or blend to intervene in your day?

Focus on the 4-Essentials for Life with our Wellness Renewal.
--> First is AIR - Respiratory System (BTW, Believe would be a great complement to this program!)