Kick the Cravings

Kick the Cravings
The Holiday Season can also be known as the Sugar Season... and once that sugar roller coaster has started, it can be hard to get off. The cravings -- for sugar or just calories -- can be intense. These two supplements - Slique Tea and Slique CitraSlim - can help!

Slique Tea is my go-to daily pick-me-up! I take a sip... and my brain feels happy! (It was actually designed that way... with cacao and vanilla -- two substances that help happy chemicals in the brain!) It has gentle caffeine with Oolong Tea -- from an award winning tea farm in Taiwan! (Did you know that there were awards for tea??) I find it satisfying and that it decreases my cravings.

  • Jade oolong tea,
  • inulin, 
  • ocotea leaf (Ocotea quixos), 
  • Ecuadorian cacao powder, 
  • Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) fruit extract, 
  • frankincense powder (Boswellia sacra), and 
  • natural stevia extract.
For weight management, it's recommended to drink a cup of Slque Tea about 30 minutes before a meal (biggest meal of the day) to help feel satiated before the meal (and therefore eat less). I will often drink a cup at the beginning of the day.

I love this supplement! The first time I took it each day for a month and I noticed several things: 1) decreased cravings, 2) less hunger pangs, 3) less soreness (this one was unexpected!). It felt like my lymphatic system was cleaner, in addition to the digestive support!
It consists of individual packets with powder capsules with herbs, essential oils, and ENZYMES + an liquid capsule.with essential oils + POMEGRANATE SEED OIL!

Powder Capsule Ingredients:
  • Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) bark powder, 
  • Citrus based fruit [Orange (Citrus sinensis) whole fruit extract, 
  • Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) whole fruit extract, 
  • Guarana (Paulinia cupana) whole fruit extract], 
  • Pterocarpus (Pterocarpus masupium) bark extract, 
  • Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) peel extract, 
  • Ocotea (Ocotea quixos) leaf powder, Fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum) seed extract, 
  • Spearmint (Mentha spicata) leaf oil, 
  • Amylase,
  • ellulase, 
  • Lipase, 
  • Protease, 
  • Ocotea (Ocotea quixos) leaf oil, 
  • Cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum) leaf oil, 
  • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed oil
  • Other ingredient: Hypromellose
Liquid Capsule
  • Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) leaf essential oil,
  • Caprylic/capric glycerides,
  • Pomegranate (Punica granatum) seed oil,
  • Lemon myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) leaf essential oil,
  • Balsam fir (Abies grandis) essential oil     
  • Other Ingredients: Silicon dioxide, Gelatin, Water
It's designed to take 2 powder capsules in the morning and then 1 powder & 1 liquid capsule at mid-day.

Have you entered out 12 Days of Giveaways? Text 12 DAYS to my YL text line at 979-314-0210.

After the Feast

After the Feast
It's the first day of Christmas, and we've been feasting! Our digestion needs some support!! DiGize Vitality and Essentialzymes-4 support healthy digestion and soothe after eating too much!
  • Add a drop of DiGize Vitality to a cup of warm water.
  • Rub a couple of drops of DiGize essential oil on they tummy.
  • Take Essentialzymes-4 (yellow & tan capsules)

Add a drop to warm water, a cup of tea (Herbal peppermint tea would be great!), or add 3-4 drops to an empty capsule! DiGize essential oil blend has
  • Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) leaf oil,
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) root oil, 
  • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) leaf oil, 
  • Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) aerial parts oil, 
  • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed oil, 
  • Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) leaf oil, 
  • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) fruit oil, 
  • Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) leaf oil 
Digize Essential Oil can be rubbed on topically, too. I find it very soothing rubbed on my tummy!

These enzymes are designed to supplement our food - all 4 food types: protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber! They are so convenient to carry with us and take before, during, or after a meal! Take both a yellow and a tan capsule -- I usually take it with my biggest meal of the day!

Health and Wellness goals or resolutions? These two supplements can help you with
  • Gut health
  • Weight management
Are you entered in our "12 Days of Giveaways" - December 26-January 6? Text 12DAYS to my YL line at 979-314-0210.

Supporting Healthy Liver and Gallbladder Function

Supporting Healthy Liver and Gallbladder Function
Supporting healthy liver and gallbladder function is so important for your wellness journey! Here's what we use in three categories: immediate, short-term, and long-term!

Comfort in the Moment

This is what works for us!
1) Epsom Salts
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salts in some water. (It tastes vile, in my opinion, so I just put it in about a quarter cup of water and chug it. Then, chase it with something that tastes good -- even plain water works.) The theory behind this is that it supposedly relaxes the bile ducts.

The is essential oil blend comes in a Vitality label. So we sometimes take it as a supplement and put a 3-5 drops in a capsule. It also comes in a topical label -- and I use it with massage over my liver area.

Take the Pressure Off

These are supplements we use for immediate support. We do use them long term, but we find them helpful in the short-term.

The liver and gallbladder help digest and process the food we've taken in. Adding digestive enzymes as part of our food helps the digestive process along -- and lightens the load on the liver. Essentialzymes-4 has a spectrum of digestive enzymes that address all 4 major food groups (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fiber). We take it with our biggest meal.

The liver utilizes nutritional sulfur to help bind toxins to cleanse them from the body. Supplementing nutritional sulfur can give the body resources to be more efficient with this process. I take 4 capsules of Sulfurzyme before bed.

Long Term Strategy

1) Stop the Poison
Implementing Dr. Minke's full 3-Part Wellness Strategy is key. Most of the ideas listed above are in the "Flood the Body with Nutrients" category. "Stop the Poison" helps other parts be more effective and lightens the load on the body. Clean up your diet; eliminate trans fats, chemical additives, refined & artificial sugars, and refined grains. If you're new to that process, we encourage that process over a year's time in the YL Wellness Program.

2) Liver and Gallbladder Flush
Over the years, we have done many of the liver and gallbladder flushes (utilizing olive oil & lemon juice) and experienced a great deal of benefit. Dr. Minke has a booklet that lays out the process, as well as the preparations we've found to be helpful before the cleanse. Just contact us for more info.

Month 3 of our year-long YL Wellness Program focuses on the digestive system with special emphasis on the liver. You can watch the videos and learn more about your liver and gallbladder and how to support them!

When ordering from Young Living Essential Oils, you get 24% discount when you order 100pv (basically $100)!

Need some suggestions of what to add to get to 100pv?
Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream is so effective at soothing skin -- diaper irritated, bug bites, and more!
Seedlings Baby Oil -- soothing for skin, as well as for baby (and parents)! I love this for gentle massage!

Note: Another way to get the 24% discount is to add any item to Subscribe to Save.

You will need a referral number. Ours is Amy Minke #118924! If you click on any of the product links, the number should be automatically entered for you. But, just in case, make sure you connect your account with my referral number -- so we can keep in contact!

Feasting? You Need These

Feasting? You Need These
'Tis the season for feasting! With holiday get togethers abounding, it can be challenging to keep our digestive systems happy!

Two Strategies for Feeling Great After Dinner (even if we ate too much...)
While we endeavor to make good food choices and eat reasonable portions, holiday gatherings can make that challenging on many levels. Often, we don't have control of what food is available. And, even when we do, the menu is often different than our normal, everyday fare.

To keep the tummy settled, we have found these to be helpful!
1) Essentialzymes-4
These digestive enzymes have a broad spectrum to address the four types of food: protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat. On typical days, we take them with our biggest meal. On feasting days, I take them before AND after the big feast -- and again if the food isn't digesting efficiently after an hour, or so.

2) DiGize Essential Oil Blend
We like to rub this essential oil blend on our tummies after a big meal, especially if the food isn't sitting quite right...
It's a great way to enhance massage for the abdomen. This video highlights abdominal massage using JuvaFlex (over the liver area) and DiGize (over the stomach area).

Massage enhanced with oils can help all along the digestive system!

DiGize also comes as a Vitality oil, meaning as a dietary supplement. It can be added to water (just a drop will do) to soothe the digestive system. We like to make a capsule with 3-4 drops and take with a meal.

Got Kids?
1) MightyZymes
There are digestive enzymes designed especially for kids - they're CHEWABLE. These MightyZymes changed our lives and helped our kids be able to manage eating out of the house at restaurants and other people's homes. We still have to be diligent in our food selections, but the enzymes helped smooth out any unforseen dietary issues!
2) TummyGize essential oil blend
This blend is part of the KidScents line -- designed especially for kids! The name says it all. TummyGize is already diluted, so we can feel confident to use with kids, even on the go!

Enjoy your feasting through the holiday season! Make good choices - and use these awesome tools to keep things moving smoothly!

Check out these yummy holiday recipes that include Vitality Essential Oils -- add some zing to your recipes!

Take Care of Your Eyes - Skin Care!

Take Care of Your Eyes - Skin Care!
You can take care of the delicate skin around your eyes!

Do you have
  • puffy eyelids,
  • dark circles,
  • wrinkles?
Here are some ideas to support your body and your skin!

The skin around your eyes needs a little extra care! Young Living's Wolfberry Eye Cream is a thick moisturizer designed specifically for that!

Here's a quick video demo of how I use it:

It utilizes the powerful antioxidant (and anti-aging) benefits of wolfberry seed oil.

Some other ingredients of note are herbs that tone the skin, such as witch hazel, cucumber, and green tea.

It also features sodium hyaluronate -- a water-soluble salt of hyaluronic acid... both of which are helpful for connective tissue elasticity and supporting collagen production.

AND, it has amazing essential oils, such as sandalwood, frankincense, lavender, ylang ylang. geranium (and more).

Notice the technique of dot-dot-dot application of the moisturizer, as opposed to stretching the skin around the eyes! This helps to maintain elasticity and tone in the connective tissue.

Dark Circles
There are many reasons that dark circles can be occurring. One is lymph (or fluid) pooling... scroll down to the section on "Puffy."

I have found that when my digestion is inefficient or I'm experiencing a food sensitivity, the dark circles can get more pronounced. That's when I use Young Living's Essentialzymes-4 with my biggest meal to support the process of digestion.

When I'm not sleeping well, those circles can become darker (and bigger). Essential oils help me relax to go to sleep! There are so many options (a subject for another blog post...), but one of my favorites is Valor! I put it on the bottom of my feet, do the Valor hold, and then put a few more drops on the back of my neck!

You can help the fluid in your face (and around your eyes) keep moving! Here's a demo video of a face massage focusing on lymphatic drainage:

Wolfberry Eye Cream is designed specifically for the skin around the eyes. It pairs well with Young Living's Boswellia Wrinkle Cream! As massage therapists, when we do a face massage with clients using the Boswellia Wrinkle Cream, we can literally see a difference!

Utilize these strategies, techniques, and products together to optimize your results!