Take Care of Your Eyes - Skin Care!
You can take care of the delicate skin around your eyes!

Do you have
  • puffy eyelids,
  • dark circles,
  • wrinkles?
Here are some ideas to support your body and your skin!

The skin around your eyes needs a little extra care! Young Living's Wolfberry Eye Cream is a thick moisturizer designed specifically for that!

Here's a quick video demo of how I use it:

It utilizes the powerful antioxidant (and anti-aging) benefits of wolfberry seed oil.

Some other ingredients of note are herbs that tone the skin, such as witch hazel, cucumber, and green tea.

It also features sodium hyaluronate -- a water-soluble salt of hyaluronic acid... both of which are helpful for connective tissue elasticity and supporting collagen production.

AND, it has amazing essential oils, such as sandalwood, frankincense, lavender, ylang ylang. geranium (and more).

Notice the technique of dot-dot-dot application of the moisturizer, as opposed to stretching the skin around the eyes! This helps to maintain elasticity and tone in the connective tissue.

Dark Circles
There are many reasons that dark circles can be occurring. One is lymph (or fluid) pooling... scroll down to the section on "Puffy."

I have found that when my digestion is inefficient or I'm experiencing a food sensitivity, the dark circles can get more pronounced. That's when I use Young Living's Essentialzymes-4 with my biggest meal to support the process of digestion.

When I'm not sleeping well, those circles can become darker (and bigger). Essential oils help me relax to go to sleep! There are so many options (a subject for another blog post...), but one of my favorites is Valor! I put it on the bottom of my feet, do the Valor hold, and then put a few more drops on the back of my neck!

You can help the fluid in your face (and around your eyes) keep moving! Here's a demo video of a face massage focusing on lymphatic drainage:

Wolfberry Eye Cream is designed specifically for the skin around the eyes. It pairs well with Young Living's Boswellia Wrinkle Cream! As massage therapists, when we do a face massage with clients using the Boswellia Wrinkle Cream, we can literally see a difference!

Utilize these strategies, techniques, and products together to optimize your results!