Mastrante Essential Oil

Mastrante Essential Oil
Mastrante essential oil... a calming, grounding aroma that can help relieve tension and soothe passing digestive issues.

The herb is grown from Texas down to South America. Young Living's comes from Ecuador. The herb is traditionally used for everything from flavoring mole to soothing tension headaches. 

This essential oil actually grew on me... it's an unusual aroma. Mastrante contains high levels of carvone, which is a constituent in dill, verbena, and carraway. It also has limonene, found in citrus essential oils and frankincense.

Add Mastrante to roll-ons for the tummy or beautifying skin. Or add it to your diffuser in one of these diffuser blends.

Blog posts with more information:

The oils are to be used!

More essential oils...

Stocking Up & Staying Well

Stocking Up & Staying Well
As the seasons change this fall and then to winter, we stock up (like the squirrels) and make sure we're ready!

Here's are our MUST-HAVES from Young Living to weather the seasons AND the "sugar season."

--> And, I'll add a note that we're ALREADY needing them this week; I'm sooooo glad that we ordered early!

All Things Thieves

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Spray
  • Household Cleaner (make it into Pumpkin Spice!)
  • Foaming Hand Soap
  • Cough Drops
  • Lozenges
  • Thieves Roll-on

Supplements to Support Your Immune System

  • Thieves Vitality essential oil blend
  • Lemon Vitality essential oil
  • Inner Defense gelcaps
  • NingXia Red

Fire up your Diffuser

Here are some great diffuser blends for the Autumn season, but in reality Use What You Have! Just get that diffuser going!

Already a member, be sure to stock up! Order today and take advantage of the monthly freebies!

Ready to become a member? The Thieves Premium Starter Kit is a great way to start to stock up on all things Thieves! Or the Premium Essential Oils Starter Kit with a diffuser is a rock solid way to start!

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Relax - Bergamot Essential Oil

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