Apply the 6 essential oil blends in the Feelings Kit from Young Living for 30 days...
... and change your life!

Change my life? How?
Well for us, the Feelings Kit has helped us feel more well-being and able to handle big emotions. Sometimes, that doesn't sound like much, but when big emotions are calling the shots throughout my day, I'm happy to have tools that can make them feel smaller or more manageable!

Say what? How can rubbing something on or smelling these oils affect my emotions? Read on...

What is the Feelings Kit?
It's 6 essential oil blends available in a kit -- designed to work together to inspire feelings of emotional well-being, peace, and harmony!

Why I'm excited about this...

I'm excited to do this 30-Day Challenge because...
  1. the Feelings Kit is how we got started with Young Living -- we had such profound experiences with it! We realized that "these oils work!"
  2. I'm feeling overwhelmed by emotional processing -- I've started de-cluttering sections of our house that I haven't felt able to fully deal with for about a decade (seriously). Lots of memories related to the stuff we're moving around -- and that brings up lots of emotions.
  3. Some of those memories are of times that were difficult to live through the first time -- lots of challenges and deep emotions. We couldn't deal with them fully at the time, and like the physical items, they got piled up. Now, it's time for them to move on out.

     From my past experiences with the Feelings Kit, I know that the oils will help me with this process!

Watch this short video I made a few years ago on what the kit is and how it works for emotions, both topically and aromatically.

How do I use the Feelings Kit?
Here's a quick training on a "Feelings Kit Session."

1. Valor: Do the Valor Hold on your wrists or bottoms of your feet.
2. Harmony: Apply to the "chakras" or nerve centers along the spine (also accessed in the front of the body).
3. Release: Apply over the liver area on the right side of the abdomen.
4. Forgiveness: Apply over the temples or on the forehead (or alternatively, over the heart).
5. Inner Child: Rub on the tip of the nose and right under the nose.
6. Present Time: Rub over the thymus area on the sternum (or breast bone).

Each of the 5mL bottles hold about 85 drops of the essential oil blend. We typically use 1-2 drops of each blend when we're doing a "Feelings Kit Session," ie using all the blends at one sitting. So, this kit will give you over 40 Feelings Kit sessions -- plenty for the Feelings Kit Challenge plus some more to play with after!

More Resources
When you're a member of the Freedom Oilers team, you have access to more support and resources for the 30-Day Feelings Kit Challenge and more! There's a special Facebook group just for this challenge - with members from all over the world who are working on their emotional well-being and are available to support your through the process! Be sure to contact us to make sure you get connected!

Our team has more resources and trainings for using essential oils for emotional well-being, and many other wellness topics! We'd love for you to join us!

How do I get the Feelings Kit?
If you're already a member of the Freedom Oilers, just log onto your Young Living account and order!

If you need to get started, here are the instructions. (Download it - 2019_09 Getting Started_Feelings Kit.pdf )
1) You can order the kit at retail price for $238.16. 

We highly recommend going ahead and being a wholesale member of Young Living -- you will already save money with just this one order... and there's no ordering requirement after that (Just order what you want when you want it... at wholesale price!)

2) To become a wholesale member, there's a one-time membership fee that includes a Starter Kit (so you get stuff for that fee).
So, with the Feelings Kit at wholesale price ($181.00)
  • Feelings Kit + Basic Starter Kit = $226 (+ s/h, tax)
  • Feelings Kit + Premium Starter Kit = $346 (+ s/h, tax)

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Young Living is a referral based company. You need a referral in order to join. We’re so happy for you to join our Freedom Oilers team.  Our referral number is 118924, Amy & Peter Minke.

If another member of the Freedom Oilers referred you, use their member number. We can help you find that, if needed; contact us by text at 979-314-0210 or


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