Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea Tree essential oil has an earthy, refreshing aroma.

It is a fan favorite essential oil. This versatile essential oil has been widely studied for many wellness uses.

We tend to use it for healthy skin, hair, and nails -- and eliminating musky odors.

Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia) essential oil, grown in Australia, France, and South Africa, is distilled from the leaves  of the bush. Its key constituents are terpinen-4-ol and gamma-terpinene, and include 1,8 cineol (a.k.a. eucalyptol).

We use Tea Tree as support for the immune system. We also make DIY spritzers for shoes and feet or musty bathrooms.

Be sure to enjoy one of these diffuser blends!

Blog posts with more info on Tea Tree:

The oils are to be used!

More essential oils:


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