DIY Hand Purifier

DIY Hand Purifier
Here's a recipe you can make with items from the grocery store and your Young Living Essential Oils stash!

There are some differences in this recipe from others online. 1) We use food grade alcohol rather than rubbing alcohol. When Peter worked in a science lab (studying fungus), they had to clean surfaces... they used ethanol (or food grade alcohol). 2) We did 2 demos using aloe vera JUICE and aloe vera GEL. You can see the difference for yourself in the video. And, we always make sure to use food grade aloe! (Read your labels when buying it -- some aloe products have chemical additives.)

Ingredients (see notes below the list)
  • 2/3 cup Grain Alcohol or Neutral Spirit (ie, Everclear or Nikolai)
  • 1/3 cup Aloe Vera Juice (or gel)
  • 1 teaspoon Jojoba oil
  • 20 drops Thieves essential oil blend
  • 20 drops Peppermint essential oil
Grain Alcohol - most hand purifier recipes recommend rubbing alcohol. This can be harsh on the body. We prefer to use food grade alcohol. To get the recommended 60% alcohol into your hand purifier recipe, the grain alcohol has enough alcohol content.

Aloe Vera Juice - We always make sure to buy the food grade aloe juice or gel, because it has minimal additives (sometimes a food grade preservative). This is usually found in the juice section of the grocery store or natural foods store. If you end up looking in the pharmacy section, read the ingredients very carefully -- and avoid any product with added fragrance or chemicals.

Jojoba oil - This is a non-greasy carrier (or diluting) oil. It will help moisturize your hands without leaving you feeling greasy. In a pinch, I substitute fractionated coconut oil.

Essential Oils -- if you're running low on Thieves and Peppermint, feel free to substitute from your Young Living stash. (But, stay away from the essential oils at the grocery store -- you're likely to add synthetic compounds to your recipe and your body!!) Some of my favorites to substitute are Purification and Christmas Spirit essential oil blends.

Ready to get your Thieves essential oil?
Be sure you have the referral number from the Freedom Oilers members who shared this with you!
Amy & Peter Minke: #118924
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