After the Feast

After the Feast
It's the first day of Christmas, and we've been feasting! Our digestion needs some support!! DiGize Vitality and Essentialzymes-4 support healthy digestion and soothe after eating too much!
  • Add a drop of DiGize Vitality to a cup of warm water.
  • Rub a couple of drops of DiGize essential oil on they tummy.
  • Take Essentialzymes-4 (yellow & tan capsules)

Add a drop to warm water, a cup of tea (Herbal peppermint tea would be great!), or add 3-4 drops to an empty capsule! DiGize essential oil blend has
  • Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) leaf oil,
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) root oil, 
  • Peppermint (Mentha piperita) leaf oil, 
  • Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) aerial parts oil, 
  • Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) seed oil, 
  • Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) leaf oil, 
  • Anise (Pimpinella anisum) fruit oil, 
  • Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) leaf oil 
Digize Essential Oil can be rubbed on topically, too. I find it very soothing rubbed on my tummy!

These enzymes are designed to supplement our food - all 4 food types: protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber! They are so convenient to carry with us and take before, during, or after a meal! Take both a yellow and a tan capsule -- I usually take it with my biggest meal of the day!

Health and Wellness goals or resolutions? These two supplements can help you with
  • Gut health
  • Weight management
Are you entered in our "12 Days of Giveaways" - December 26-January 6? Text 12DAYS to my YL line at 979-314-0210.

Supporting Healthy Liver and Gallbladder Function

Supporting Healthy Liver and Gallbladder Function
Supporting healthy liver and gallbladder function is so important for your wellness journey! Here's what we use in three categories: immediate, short-term, and long-term!

Comfort in the Moment

This is what works for us!
1) Epsom Salts
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salts in some water. (It tastes vile, in my opinion, so I just put it in about a quarter cup of water and chug it. Then, chase it with something that tastes good -- even plain water works.) The theory behind this is that it supposedly relaxes the bile ducts.

The is essential oil blend comes in a Vitality label. So we sometimes take it as a supplement and put a 3-5 drops in a capsule. It also comes in a topical label -- and I use it with massage over my liver area.

Take the Pressure Off

These are supplements we use for immediate support. We do use them long term, but we find them helpful in the short-term.

The liver and gallbladder help digest and process the food we've taken in. Adding digestive enzymes as part of our food helps the digestive process along -- and lightens the load on the liver. Essentialzymes-4 has a spectrum of digestive enzymes that address all 4 major food groups (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fiber). We take it with our biggest meal.

The liver utilizes nutritional sulfur to help bind toxins to cleanse them from the body. Supplementing nutritional sulfur can give the body resources to be more efficient with this process. I take 4 capsules of Sulfurzyme before bed.

Long Term Strategy

1) Stop the Poison
Implementing Dr. Minke's full 3-Part Wellness Strategy is key. Most of the ideas listed above are in the "Flood the Body with Nutrients" category. "Stop the Poison" helps other parts be more effective and lightens the load on the body. Clean up your diet; eliminate trans fats, chemical additives, refined & artificial sugars, and refined grains. If you're new to that process, we encourage that process over a year's time in the YL Wellness Program.

2) Liver and Gallbladder Flush
Over the years, we have done many of the liver and gallbladder flushes (utilizing olive oil & lemon juice) and experienced a great deal of benefit. Dr. Minke has a booklet that lays out the process, as well as the preparations we've found to be helpful before the cleanse. Just contact us for more info.

Month 3 of our year-long YL Wellness Program focuses on the digestive system with special emphasis on the liver. You can watch the videos and learn more about your liver and gallbladder and how to support them!

When ordering from Young Living Essential Oils, you get 24% discount when you order 100pv (basically $100)!

Need some suggestions of what to add to get to 100pv?
Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream is so effective at soothing skin -- diaper irritated, bug bites, and more!
Seedlings Baby Oil -- soothing for skin, as well as for baby (and parents)! I love this for gentle massage!

Note: Another way to get the 24% discount is to add any item to Subscribe to Save.

You will need a referral number. Ours is Amy Minke #118924! If you click on any of the product links, the number should be automatically entered for you. But, just in case, make sure you connect your account with my referral number -- so we can keep in contact!

Essential Oils ON SALE

Only til February 28 at 11:59 p.m., MT

• Desert Mist Diffuser
• Geranium Bourbon essential oil, 5 ml
• Grapefruit essential oil, 5 ml
• Idaho Blue Spruce essential oil, 5 ml
• Orange essential oil, 15 ml
• Lavender essential oil, 5 ml
• Frankincense essential oil, 5ml
• Item No.: 41457
• Price: $125 (saves 32%!)
• PV: 100
• One-time orders only

Here’s why you neeeeed to grab this bundle + the sale oils!!!! 

In a 2oz bottle:
15 drops frankincense
15 drops geranium bourbon
10 drops lavender 
3 drops vanilla 
Top with rose hip oil or jojoba oil 

in a 10ml roller 
20 drops lavender
10 drops orange
5 drops idaho blue spruce
5 drops vanilla
top with carrier oil! 

* 4 drops grapefruit, 4  orange or tangerine, 3 idaho blue spruce, 2 geranium 
* 3 drops each stress away, idaho blue spruce, and orange 
* 2 drops each stress away, lavender, vanilla

✨ Kidscents KidPower 15 ml
Bravery in a bottle for the littles! This oil reminds me of Valor with a hint of an orange creamsicle. Roll on wrists or spine, or take a big inhale, when you’re going into a new situation and need some courage.
• Item No.: 33179
• Price $30.40
◦ PV 30.4

✨ Tangerine 5 ml
This is a happy oil - but it is also KEY in nearly all the blends and supplements YL makes for healthy digestion! It’s also amazing for pregnant mamas with morning sickness! Inhale as often as needed! Also a Vitality, this is delish in Ningxia over ice, and add a Zyng if you need some extra energy + fizz!
• Item # 3636
◦ Price $6.40
◦ PV 6.4

✨ Vanilla 5 ml
Make sure you add a few extra Vanilla oils to your cart bc you will be obsessed. Young Living’s exclusive Vanilla oleoresin has a pure, amazing, scent. Made from the beans grown in the northwestern region of Madagascar, it is uniquely extracted in a way to blend with other essential oils, unlike traditional vanilla extracts. Not only does it smell amazing, you can apply it to your skin & hair to help condition and moisturize. 
• Item # 32741
• Price $25.60
◦ PV 25.6

✨ Stress Away 15 ml
Four words, friends. Vacation. In. A. Bottle. Stress Away is like being on a tropical isle, in a hammock, sipping a pina. 🍹☀️ When in reality, you’re stuck in bumper to bumper traffic, your boss just chewed you out, or your kids spilled your hot fresh cup of coffee all over the clean and folded clothes, and your baby just spit up all over you. And you have to leave for an important meeting in 5 mins. K? K. Our fave ways to use this gem: Apply to wrists or back of neck to help you chill out! Add 3 drops to 1/4c. epsom salt and soak away your troubles in the bath. Diffuse with lavender before bed to promote a calming atmosphere
• Item # 4630
• Price $25.40
◦ PV 25.4
One-time + S2S orders 
Last but definitely not least, enjoy permanently reduced pricing on our Desert Mist Diffuser and Dewdrop Diffuser!!!
• Item # 21558
◦ Price $29.95
◦ PV 10

• Item # 5330
• Price $29.95
◦ PV 10
No order limits. 
One-time + S2S orders 

Reward points cannot be used to redeem the Everyday Glow Bundle or sale items. Complimentary oils are not included with the discounted diffusers.
While supplies last

// THE OILS //

✨ Geranium Bourbon:
Geranium Bourbon essential oil has a lush, floral aroma that promotes shiny hair and a natural glow to the skin and makes a great addition to any do-it-yourself perfume or bath and body recipes. Located in the Southern Indian Ocean off the coast of Madagascar, Réunion Island has been recognized by the world’s perfume houses as the source of the finest Geranium essential oil for more than a century. Known as Geranium Bourbon—a nod to the island’s former name, île Bourbon—this variety of Geranium essential oil has a distinctly complex, fresh, green floral aroma with delicate rosy undertones. Up to 900 pounds of geranium bourbon flowers, leaves, and stems are distilled to produce 1 liter of essential oil. Geranium Bourbon essential oil can be enjoyed as a personal fragrance, home aroma, or topically as part of your skin care routine
✨Idaho Blue Spruce:
+ put a drop on the crown of your head each day, it releases emotional blocks, bringing about a feeling of balance and grounding. Sets you up to have a freaking great day. 
+ high frequency! Did you know a healthy human body has a frequency between 62-78 MHz? Thinking negative thoughts can bring down your frequency 12 MHz and positive ones can bring it back up by 10. Even holding a cup of coffee can bring down your frequency! ☕️ 😳
And when our frequency gets low that when we start feeling run down, tired, emotional, below the wellness line... Idaho Blue Spruce is one of the highest frequency oils🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🎉🎉
+ in the bedroom 😍😍 
Men. Here is how to rev your engine with oils  😍 
Take Idaho Blue Spruce internally 5-8 drops a day to help support healthy testosterone. According to Dan Purser, MD, this has been shown to increase testosterone levels up to 30% in two weeks. 
Also take 4 drops before go-time.  😉

Here's a blend called "Mr. Libido's Perky Pellet" :
Mix these in 10 drops of Carrier Oil in a capsule and swallow about 10-30 minutes before go time:
- 5 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
- 3 drops Goldenrod (This is only harvested once a year in fall so get it while ya can!)
- 3 drops Nutmeg 

+ This oil can also help to promote hormone balancing in women. Gary Young said that by using this oil he will not take responsibility for an increase in the family. ☺️😉😜
+ major respiratory benefits to support the respiratory system and the immune system. Try applying on chest and one drop under the tongue or diffusing.
+ Emotional trauma can lock the brain in fight or flight mode. Over time emotions have less ability to adapt and cope causing loss of creative potential and a focus on fear rather than love. This oil works very well for dislodging forgotten emotional blocks or traumas and helps resurrect them into the conscious mind where they can be resolved and dealt with. Try applying on the top of the foot between the big and second toe or in the middle of the forehead at the hairline.
+ Try applying topically to relieve muscular discomfort. It’s a great sub for
panaway and targets stressed and tense muscles
+ This oil can also stimulate the thymus and adrenals and is really supportive for those with hyperthyroid! 
+ Gary Young said that Mary Young takes a capsule of this oil every day to promote bone density and strength as she ages.
+ great for healthy lungs! you can apply to chest or use the diffuser, or for very targeted support, make suppositories.

✨ Orange:
One of our top fave oils bc it is SO versatile! It has antioxidant properties, helps to clean out the digestive system, and contains the naturally occurring constituent limonene! Add a drop on your toothpaste to help keep your teeth pearly white! Great for digestive issues and gets things moving. (Especially helpful to rub diluted on gassy baby tummies!) Makes the most delish chai tea!! Basically make thieves vitality tea + copaiba vitality oil + orange vitality + splash of milk... amazinggggg! Add a few drops in your water and is delicious in smoothies!!! Oh, and a drop in a blue moon beer anyone? YUM! 

✨ Grapefruit: One of the best ways to start your morning! Grapefruit is also a Vitality oil, and this capsule blend is amazing for waking up our metabolism! Add 3 drops each of Lemon, Peppermint, Grapefruit, plus add 2 drops of Frankincense to a capsule for an all over healthy boost - top with a little olive oil and down the hatch it goes! Put a few drops Grapefruit and Idaho Blue Spruce in the diffuser for a calming and mood lifting day!

✨ Frankincense:
Who loves glowing skin?  Apply to fine lines nightly or make that glow serum recipe above!! This is also an incredible oil for your brain. Frankincense activates the part of your brain that does logical thinking versus emotional thinking. The pineal gland in your brain loves it some frankincense vitality so this happens to be a fantastic oil for supporting your hormones since the production of your hormones start in the brain. The pineal gland produces melatonin and serotonin. So no wonder why frank is also GREAT for sleep!!! Frankincense Vitality is also a powerhouse for immune and cellular support.  This is a staple in our wellness cabinet. Want to learn more? Watch this short video where you can see Gary and and learn more about what kind of Frankincense Young Living uses.

✨ Lavender:
Did you know that Lavender is an Adaptogen? Yup, that's right. It helps your body adapt to its surroundings by increasing the body's ability to fight off stress and promoting physiological function. I love to add a few drops (also a vitality oil) in a capsule at night with copaiba vitality & frankincense vitality - helps turn off my brain and gives me the best sleep. Lavender is often referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils - used for everything. Great for your skin, refreshing, calming, and gentle for the babies and kids!  
So wonderful dropped on the skin after a long day out in the sun!

Support Your Fluid System - Blood & Lymph

Happy Wellness! - It's February - Month 2 of the YL Wellness Program!
Let's focus on the Fluid System or Circulatory System (aka the blood and the lymph)!

Lymph Drainage for the Neck & Head

Antioxidants for the Blood

The Goals
1) support the Fluid (or Circulatory) System
2) ditch the toxins in your personal body care products
3) continue ditching trans fats from your diet

Check out our sister blog at Minke Wellness with all the video resources in one place!

What to Order & Why

Taking Our Supplements for the Fluid System

Make sure you're optimizing your savings and your FREEBIES using Young Living's Loyalty Rewards program!

100ish PV Option
* Master Formula
* Rehemogen tincture
* choose either Clove Vitality or Grapefruit Vitality

For the full program (300ish PV Option) -- add these
* Grapefruit Vitality or Clove Vitality (the other one)
* Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil
* Allerzyme capsules
* Slique CitraSlim capsules

--> Be sure you keep plenty of Sulfurzyme on hand -- if you need to reorder that, it takes priority!

Then, choose A or B:
A: #StopthePoison with your personal care products (This is top priority if you haven't done it, yet.)
 ---> Ex. Lavender Shampoo, Lavender Conditioner, Lavender Hand & Body Lotion, and Lavender Foaming Hand Soap (choose your favorites from Young Living)

B: NingXia Red 2-pack (if you've already ditched & switched for your personal care products)

Valentine's Day with Essential Oils

Valentine's Day with Essential Oils
Lots of LOVE! 💝

Ready for some DIY Valentine Crafts?

Note: I like to glaze mine using a simple icing made with organic powdered sugar, milk of choice + a little vegetable oil. Then add in a few drops of citrus Vitality essential oils (and natural food coloring, if desired).

Note: Still aspiring to own Rose essential oil? Some great substitutes: Sensation, Ylang Ylang, Geranium Bourbon, Sacred Mountain, Joy

Diffuser Blends ❤️

His & Hers Oils
Top Picks: His = Idaho Blue Spruce; Hers = Ylang Ylang

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